Hoy es martes...nada especial, pero hoy es un regalo de el Senor.
(every once in awhile I feel like using my Spanish skills!)
Today holds the promise of being a good day...
...my mentor is returning from a vacation in Chicago...
...I feel great, no allergy problems today...
...the sun is shining--it's going to be a very warm (HOT) day...
...my prayer time was really good this morning...
I posted a quote yesterday that has caused me to think quite a bit:
(every once in awhile I feel like using my Spanish skills!)
Today holds the promise of being a good day...
...my mentor is returning from a vacation in Chicago...
...I feel great, no allergy problems today...
...the sun is shining--it's going to be a very warm (HOT) day...
...my prayer time was really good this morning...
I posted a quote yesterday that has caused me to think quite a bit:
"Let God be as original with others as he was with you."--Oswald Chambers
I know at times I am frustrated with people because we do things differently...or I see something in someone that I wish I possessed...and I often forget that God created us all to be individuals...even down to physical things, like fingerprints...
I am so quick to see "faults" in others, but so quick to overlook those which I possess...and yet, are they really "faults" persay? Or did God give me that characteristic for a reason?
I believe that He created us to be exactly how He wants us to be! He is a perfect God, and does not make mistakes...yet I question His judgment and His creativity so often! The worst is that I often criticize His judgment in creating ME...I often ask, "What was He thinking?"
I am...
kinda loud...
obsessive/compulsive at times...
And the list goes on...many of these things are a cause of frustration in my life...and I just have to realize that they are things that are either in my life for a purpose, or things that I can work on...and I also have to realize that I am "wonderfully made" (Psalm 139), and that means that I'm "not so bad" :) afterall.
I am an original...
Today (and always) I need to see others as God sees them...as originals...
Today (and always) I need to see others as God sees them...as originals...
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