Thursday, September 09, 2004

Things were going well until...

For three years now I have been blessed with no schedule problems, always being to get the classes I needed when I wanted to take them, etc.

Well, this afternoon we were informed that one of the Poli Sci classes (that I need to graduate) was cancelled...leaving me with fewer units than necessary to be a full-time student, and leaving me unsure of how I am going to graduate in May.

The other classes that would fill this requirement are either A) full; B) not offered, or C) at the same time as other classes that I am taking to fulfill the requirements for my major.

I'm a little concerned!

Tomorrow I will be going to the head of the History/Poli Sci department to discuss this problem. I WILL be graduating in May, I just don't know how right now. I will also be going to the Registrar to see what they can do for me.

Sigh...just what I need! :)

I also decided not to do Chamber Singers. I made callbacks, but I have realized that I really need to learn to say no. I tend to take on WAY too much, and consequently burn out. Not this year. So, I will not be going to New Zealand and Australia next summer, but really, that's okay. I need to really study this year (I know, shocking) and I need to also have time to relax so that my stress level is lower and so that I can focus on other important things in my life.

Please pray for me about the class thing...I cannot even believe that it was cancelled. Hopefully the dept. chair will work with me...

"Even so, it is well with my soul."