Monday, February 07, 2005

You know it's time to leave college when... get totally excited about being excused from two chapels this week (for a class), because that means that you can miss 12 this semester, rather than 10.

...89 days seems like an absolutely short period of time to wait until graduation...

...going to class actually makes you mad (some times)...

There are more, but those are the ones I experienced today. I have the worst attitude about school right now--and I honestly don't think I've ever been like this. So here's a quick venting session, so that my roommates don't have to hear about it (though they are going through the same thing)...

I am so tired of my math class already, because every day it is like a flashback to high school. Today, Leslie and I found out that we are going to be teaching 6th graders math on Wednesday and Friday, for ministry credits (an APU thing--we have to do 120 hours of community service/ministry to graduate)...

What were we most excited about? Getting excused from chapel. One of the main reasons I came to APU was because of their amazing chapels. My first three years here were great--I felt like those who were leading worship really did it from the heart, and that it wasn't just "their job." I felt like I was being "fed" spiritually, especially when our old campus pastor spoke (Chris Brown) I honestly feel like my walk with God is being hindered by chapel.

I have NO desire to go. I dread attending a "performance" by a worship leader who seems to just care about being "showy" and feeling like I'm being entertained. I actually have had first-hand interaction with one of the worship leaders, when I auditioned to be on the worship team. I expected them to talk to me about my walk with God and my spiritual life...nope. Nothing. All they wanted to know was if I could sing, and if I could blend with one of the singers. I was pretty upset about that--because leading worship is NOT solely about talent. It is about 10% talent and 90% heart. It all just seems to be about being "the best"...all the lights and fog and stuff they have added really don't help my opinion of the whole thing, either.

We have had a few amazing speakers this semester, but I really just haven't been impressed with/touched by 95% of them. Our new campus pastor talks to us as if we were in junior high or high school--and the few times I've heard him speak, I have felt like his message was something I could teach my junior highers on Sunday. It's very frustrating! Chris Brown used to challenge us constantly...and it was real "spiritual food"...

But enough about chapel...enough isn't terrible--just annoying right now. :) But I guess we all go through these phases!

On a "lighter" note--I am 85% sure that I am getting shingles again...yeah...I'm 22, and I have already had shingles once, last June. Now it appears that I might be getting them again. Oh the joy. At least I know now what to look for and expect so that I can get on the medication quicker than last time. I need to learn how to not be stressed out. I am almost positive, based on the timeline for my last episode of shingles, that this is from my trip to D.C. last month, because that was incredibly stressful for me, and I didn't sleep more than 8 hours in three days. Yeah. I really need to learn to relax!

Anyway, it's Monday...things can only get better, right?