Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Ministering on Television...

I've been learning a lot lately about doing ministry in "unconventional" new ways...

And I've noticed that one show in particular is indeed ministering, without being "religious" overtly. It is changing the lives of people, one family at a time...and it is amazing.

If you haven't seen it, I'm talking about "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition." I have come to LOVE this show. The premise is incredible--helping people who are suffering by alleviating one or more of their major concerns, and using all the available resources to do so. My favorite one so far was probably the Vardon family, with two deaf parents, a blind and autistic son, and a "normal" son. The technology that they brought to that family must be helping them live their lives so much!

I want to believe that there is some sort of Christian foundation for this show, because the producers of this show are doing what we as the Church should be doing! We should be helping our neighbors by using the gifts and resources that the Lord has given so abundantly to us. And we should be looking for new ways to bring the love of God to those who have not heard.

Here is an article about this show that says it all...I love this show!!