Monday, February 06, 2006

Day One: Complete

Well, my first day of training is over, and it went very well:

Found out that the first two (out of six) weeks of training are only from 9-2:30pm...disappointed, until day one was over, and realized that if we had eight hours of training a day we'd be useless, because our brains would be fried...

Realized that there is SO much information to learn. I've been told by co-workers that it will take at least six months of actually working there before we will feel comfortable with all the information.

Basically, as researchers, we figure out why discrepancies exist between the business and the IRS as far as returns and such are concerned. To do so, there are 22 different programs, if you will, that we will have to utilize--and we have to figure out which of the 22 we need. We learned 5 today...and my brain hurts.

It's going to be a lot to remember, but I am enjoying it. It is challenging, and I have needed that for awhile. This, with Arabic added in, will definitely meet my need for stimulation!

Thanks for the prayers, and if anything exciting happens at work in the next few days, I'll update. :)