Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I know I've posted about this quite a bit in the past three years, so I won't say much this time. Tomorrow is the third "anniversary" of Suzy's death, and though I've grieved and dealt with it, nevertheless it makes me feel sad. I will still wear the red polka-dotted ribbon that was given at her memorial service tomorrow, because it just feels right.

I wrote this one year after the tragedy, if you want to read it.

I just ask that you pray for her family, as this will no doubt be another rough day. Pray also that their mission to hold people accountable for their actions on the Internet is successful. Thanks to Oprah, millions of people were able to hear about this horrible tragedy, and they were made aware of the groups that are out on the Internet, seeking their prey. Pray that they have an impact with this message!

I can't believe it's been three years...I'm so glad that I have 10 or so years of memories upon which to reflect. She was wonderful! :)