Saturday, June 03, 2006

Great Evening...

Ananda and I had a really great evening tonight. We had dinner at Chevy's (always time for Mexican food!), then went to the mall--mainly because it's air conditioned. After that, we decided to go see "The Break-Up" since we both wanted to see it.

What really got me was the previews, though. Ananda and I both had a hard time not shedding a tear when the preview of the 9-11 movie came on. That's going to be a tough one. I haven't seen the movie out right now about the Pennsylvania plane yet, because that one will be tough as well and I haven't been in the right mood for it yet. I just hope that this movie isn't cheesy--as most end up being--because I think it will be a great tribute to those who gave their lives that day.

Anyway, "The Break-Up" was really funny--but it also made us really think as well. Thinking is good! It was a fairly realistic view of how irrational people can be while going through a break-up...I've definitely been there. :)

I'd recommend it! It's definitely worth your time!