Sunday, September 10, 2006

Some Reflections...

Things in my life are changing, for the better...God is definitely working in my heart in some amazing and yet difficult ways, and I am so relieved, in a sense, because I've been in a spiritual low for over two years now...but things are starting to make sense, and I am finding that my love and passion for the Lord is returning in new and fresh ways, ways that are surprising me daily.

I've been doing a lot of reflecting lately...about this blog, for one. I remember when my posts used to be so filled with "brilliant" thoughts and reflections, and it seems like I used to be learning and thinking about new things all the time. For instance, this post, from Sept. 2004:

Our discussion on Plato continued today in my Classical Political Thought class...

And one thing stood out to me in particular as being applicable to the Christian walk.

In Book III, the men are discussing censorship, and what should be allowed in education. They point out that the things you teach your children will indicate what kind of adults they will be. The tales you tell them will stick with them always. And concerning heroes, they note that people should try to imitate the right heroes.

My professor stated that: "It's hard to return to who you once were after you have been filled with imitations of others..."

Shouldn't we, then, as Christians, strive to imitate Christ so much that we forget who we once were? And, shouldn't we teach our children--not only in word, but by example as well--the ways of Christ, so that these things are deeply implanted within them?

Or this post. Or any of the posts from 2004, really. If nothing else, college was great for blogging purposes, because my mind was always engaged and always being challenged...and I was constantly engaging God and communicating with Him. But it was at that point that He decided to begin stretching and changing me, making me who I am today. It is exciting as I begin to figure out who I am, how I've changed, and what I'm going to do with it in the future.

Another thing upon which I have been reflecting is the obvious thing: September 11th, 2001. Ananda and I went to see "World Trade Center" today in the theatre, as we thought it was time to see it. It was incredible...of course, it was emotional, but it also caused us to see the events of that day in an entirely new perspective. It had not occurred to me that those who were on the ground that day, those who were working to rescue the people in the buildings, had no idea what was going on. They didn't have televisions with reporters speculating as to what had crashed into the fact, these men in the movie didn't even know that the second tower had been hit. When they were rescued, after being trapped for around 24 hours, they were asking where the buildings were. They had no idea what had happened that day! What a shock that must have been! It was an emotional look at the tragedy of that day, and I am so glad that I saw the film.

Yesterday, I finished a book that I can honestly say has changed my life, and that is no exaggeration. It is called "The Heavenly Man" and it is by the man that I have mentioned in earlier posts, Brother Yun. Oh my goodness, has this challenged me! I have such a passion for missions in lands like China, Tunisia, and other countries which are not open to the Gospel of Christ. I do not know what the Lord is going to do with this passion, but I know that it continues to grow, and I am looking forward to serving the Lord in whatever capacity He allows! :)

Life is good... :)