Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I'm Back!! :)

Well, it's been a long time since I've really blogged...life just didn't allow time for blogging in the past few months! But, I think that things are going to be much better from now on...

Let's see...where to begin? I drove home for Thanksgiving with my cousin, Kristin...and no one except my parents and our grandmother knew! We surprised her parents (who thought we weren't coming home because we couldn't get cheap plane tickets--partially true), and that was awesome.

I made a major purchase/investment on "Black Friday"--I finally bought my Nikon D-80!! It's SO amazing! I took some pictures that I posted in an online album (click here), but I still have SO much to learn about the camera. I have two books to read about it, so I need to get on that. :)

Next Thursday (December 6th) is the next big "cook-off" at work that I'm organizing/coordinating/directing. Now that I've done this before, it's much easier to pull off without being stressed. Last time, we had 24 teams, and they all did such an amazing job! (click here for pictures). This time, we have 26 teams (many are returning teams)--and now that they know what it was like last time, I expect that things will be even more creative and incredible!

We started decorating our house for Christmas last night, and it will be a continuous process for the next week or so. We hope to get our tree this weekend (still not used to having to go to a tree lot to BUY one, LOL), which will be awesome. I'll post pictures once we're closer to being done.

The Lord has continued to bless our New Orleans team--even though we don't officially have a team yet :) We interviewed applicants last week, and we have submitted the list of "accepted" applicants to the Office of World Missions. We are super excited about the applicants the Lord brought to us, and we pray that He will continue to bless our humble efforts...

I am going to be 25 next month...it feels like I'm going to be a "real adult" for some reason, even though I've been an adult for years now...it's the last "landmark" age for awhile--insurance goes down, I can rent a car without paying a lot extra, and I can run for the U.S. Congress if I wanted to. :)

All in all, life is good...tiring, but good...God continues to be so active in my life and the lives of my friends, and it has been amazing to watch.

Hopefully I will blog more often :) We'll see how it goes...