Sunday, January 04, 2004

A sense of renewal...

Tonight was amazing...a good friend from high school, who is a phenomenal Christian woman, invited me to go with her to Chico tonight, to a worship experience. She figured that would give us a chance to not only visit on the drive but worship together, which is always wonderful. I know that nothing happens by chance, and tonight was no exception...

Since I have been home, I have been in a lonely valley, and God has not been as apparent in my everyday life as He normally is...I have not been walking with Him as I should, and I made excuses about being exhausted, when I should have been seeking His face even more avidly. Tonight was so refreshing, so spiritually renewing, that I am now on my way back to walking with my Lord as I used to--and I pray that it will be even closer than before. God used the message, the worship, the environment, the fellowship...everything, tonight, to renew my spirit and to relight the fire that dwells within my heart. I am so excited about walking with Him closely once more. I know that He never left me: I wandered away...praise Him that it was only for a couple of weeks...but those two weeks were, indeed, miserable! I just was not motivated to do anything, which is partly why this blog has been SOOO boring...I feel as if "Lesa" is back again, so I am ready to begin whatever He has for me this semester.

Some words from the songs we sang tonight that impacted me(all but 2 were new to me, which is unusual):

"Your grace has found me just as I am, empty-handed but alive in your hands."

"Praying, Lord break me. Praying, Lord take me. Praying, Lord make me all I have failed to be."

"'Cause we're all about you, and the world can't stop us from living your way, always."

Lord, thank you for tonight...thank you for who you are, and for who you are shaping me to be...thank you for being so real and so patient with me, though I wander sometimes. I praise you for all you have given me, and I pray that you will present to me opportunities to share your love with everyone I know, and everyone I meet...may you be honored in all that I do....

5 days 'til LA! :)