Thursday, May 13, 2004

Following the crowd....

I just wanted to post real quick to explain something...

I am not a follower.

My entire life, whenever "everyone" has been doing something, it has been an IMMEDIATE turnoff...just a few examples:

The color orange...I 'discovered' it in 8th grade, and my 10th grade year it became popular. It made me so mad that I didn't wear it for awhile, until it was not as common.

The Lord of the Rings movies...I will not watch those until they aren't an obsession for pretty much everyone I've met. Same goes for Reality TV--immediate turnoff to see so many people schedule their lives around television...I hardly watch TV at all. (no offense to those who do--this is just my opinion for my personal life!) parents can vouch for this individuality. Even with clothes--if something is "trendy" I could care less. I wear what I want to wear. I listen to the music that I want to listen to. I have come to the point in the past 4 or so years where I could care less what others think about me. Honestly. I just don't care--because the only one I need to please is Jesus Christ...

Why am I blogging about this? Because there are some who think that I posted the list of 100 things because everyone was doing it. That is not the case. I did it because I had some free time (now that my life consists of work, church, and being at my apartment) and I thought it might help people to get a small glimpse of who I am...I thought it might be interesting...granted, I did get the idea from some others, but I did not do it because it is "trendy."

Sorry for the rant...I'm a bit annoyed, a bit hurt, and I wanted to clarify my thoughts.

Note that the list has been deleted.