Monday, June 07, 2004

Need sleep...

I told myself I would not complain about my all I will say is this: This is the worst burn I've ever had, and I haven't slept more than 4 hours in the past two nights because of the excruciating pain. It is so painful to wear clothes, which are kinda important, LOL. Anyway, that's all I'll say about that. I need sleep!

Other than the sunburn, it was a great weekend. I met with two women from my church Sunday afternoon to begin our weekly times of prayer, accountability and study. And I am so looking forward to this! They are amazing women of God, and I am SO excited about learning from them as we meet regularly. My roommates and I had dinner together both Saturday and Sunday night, which was great because we were able to get to know each other better through the meal-time conversations. Erin and I have been up until 1am the past few nights talking, which has been really cool. She gives me a lot to think about.

One of the things we were discussing was the degree to which "stuff" gets in the way in our lives. Our lives are filled with so much stuff, so many things, that are completely unnecessary (this topic came up because all three of us--Jes, Erin and I--are really stressed out about money right now, and we were discussing how wonderful it would be to not have to have money at all...)...we talked about how people who live in other countries are generally much poorer than we are in America, yet they are just as happy--if not happier--than we tend to be. Why is that? We have everything we could ever dream of...yet we are often distressed, discouraged and unhappy...

The Bible tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil, and I think there is some wisdom in that. I know that I struggle with the desires to have more money all the time, and when I want more money, I tend to worry more than normal. When I worry, I can be irritable, etc...and the list goes on. But how can that be changed? How can I truly learn to be content in life, as Paul said, "whatever the circumstances"?

On a different note, Cheyenne (my "sister" in Pennsylvania) is coming for a week in August!! I am SO excited! She'll be getting her ticket this week, I think, and it will be so awesome to spend time with her this summer--since I lived with her the past two summers. :) Yay for dear friends visiting!

I am looking forward to seeing my family this will be great, even though it is only for two days. I'll get homemade ice cream this week as well! YAY! :)

I'll end this with a quote:

"Celebrate the significance and wonder of life. Don't wait until it hits you over the head. It's already there; embrace it."
--Nicole Johnson