Saturday, July 24, 2004

"Here's your sign..."

I originally planned on venting about my day on my blog...but, I have decided that no one really wants to hear about the excessive amount of "stupid" people with whom I came into contact today. Think Bill Engvall's comedy routine about giving stupid people a sign...I'm all for that! (I'm sure I'd have one too!) So that's all I will say.

Most of today was spent at church, decorating for VBS. It was fun. I made Mt. Fuji on the wall (I'll post pictures next week) of the sanctuary, as well as sky, cherry blossom trees (or whatever they are). My room will be decorated like a Japanese house tomorrow after church. Tonight I'll be making nametags and learning the music for the week. :) Nothing like procrastinating.

Wow, there is really nothing "exciting" to post about today...I did have In-N-Out today, compliments of the church. That was awesome! It's been a while since I had that.

I know that the Lord is going to work next week, it's just hard to see it now, in the preparation stages, amidst the disorganization (which drives me nuts) and other issues. But, I trust that HE will work through me in my time of "weakness",  because it is then that we are strongest.

God is good...all the time...