Thursday, November 11, 2004

Good day...

Today was a fairly good day...Here are the highlights.

I woke up to find a sweet note (more like a poster) of encouragement from my roommates on the bathroom was definitely needed, and helped me to start my day off right. I've been so stressed out and overwhelmed lately, and my roommates have had to put up with a lot--mainly my silence and my seclusion in the world of homework. :) Thanks girls!

1--my interview for Tunisia went really well. The Lord gave me the clarity that I needed, and helped me to formulate coherent responses to the questions I was asked. I really clicked with the three leaders and we had a great time. December 10th I will know if I will be spending four weeks in Northern Africa--and I am going to celebrate by going to a Tunisian restaurant with my friends. :)

2--my parents surprised me by having a new printer sent to me. I checked my mail and found a notice for a large package...and there was a brand-new printer (which I have needed, since my old printer will not work with my new computer) parents are awesome--always providing for me.

3--I got quite a bit of research done on Wahhabi Islam for my papers. I am fascinated by this research, in part because I have learned tonight that Americans in general have a completely wrong idea about why bin Laden is the way he is (I had the wrong idea as well until tonight, when I learned more about him and the way that he has gone off the deep end, basically)...perhaps I'll extrapolate upon that at another time.

4--My new checks came today. I am proud to be the owner of NASCAR checks! Woo hoo! :) (I know that a few of my readers adamantly oppose NASCAR, but I don't really care). Fun stuff!

For now, I am going to bed. It's much later than I had wanted to be up, but that's okay. :) Goodnight!