
Here's a picture from New Year's Eve--Cindy, Mindi, Lesa and GeGe. It was so great to spend my birthday with my amazing friends. They are seriously such a blessing!
It has been a crazy three weeks, but it has been great! I calculated yesterday that I have traveled approx. 8,000 miles in the past three weeks. That is so crazy! But I'm definitely feeling it--I've been so worn out the past few days.
The State Youth Conference was excellent. It was so good to see so many friends from NorCal, like Chris and Heatherly, as well as so many of the youth that I have spent time with over the years. One of my kids from Glendora accepted the Lord on Wednesday night of the conference--Woo hoo!! What an answer to prayer! It was a great experience, and a truly near-perfect trip. No problems, no issues, just fun and smooth sailing. Praise the Lord for that!
Now it's time to job hunt. I have an interview on Thursday, and I hope to line some more interviews up for the next week. I am now officially unemployed, so I have to get a job!
Other than that, life is pretty unexciting. It's a new year, a new start, and I plan to make this year even better than the last.

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