Thursday, May 13, 2004

The List Returns...

After some contemplation, I decided to re-post my was really interesting to go back through my life and find things that people might find interesting, as well as to remember for myself all that I have been through in these 21.5 years.

So, here it is, completed now!

One hundred things about Lesa Close

1. I was born December 31, 1982 in Hayward, California.
2. I have lived in California for my entire life exception: 2 summers in Pennsylvania and one semester in D.C., totaling one year.)
3. I have one brother, who is graduating from high school this year.
4. My parents, Ken and DeAnne, are amazing, and have been a constant support in my life.
5. I love the color orange.
6. My relationship with God is the most important aspect of my life.
7. I have experienced 2 earthquakes over 5.0 on the Richter Scale, and countless others, throughout my lifetime.
8. Ketchup is my favorite food.
9. I play 6 musical instruments (piano, guitar, flute, French horn, clarinet, and mandolin).
10. Singing is my favorite thing to do, and I do it often.
11. I was a vocal performance major when I entered college.
12. I am a senior (second-semester) Political Science major/History minor at Azusa Pacific University.
13. I will graduate (hopefully cum laude) May 7th, 2005 with my B.A.
14. I have an eight inch scar in the shape of a Nike sign on my right forearm.
15. The scar is the result of two surgeries on my radial nerve.
16. After the second surgery, I had “Radial Nerve Palsy” (or paralysis) for 5 months.
17. In third grade, our water heater exploded and our garage caught on fire.
18. I was in the shower when it happened, so I had to run across the street in a towel, to my Great-Aunt and Uncle’s house.
19. One of my “Life Goals” is to travel to all 50 states…
20. I have been to 23 thus far.
21. I have a passion for youth, junior-high age especially, and work with them on a weekly basis.
22. I love sunsets.
23. My favorite animal is the moose.
24. I wanted to be an astronaut from age 5 to age 16, and seriously considered attending the Air Force Academy and majoring in Astrophysics.
25. In high school, I graduated with a GPA of 3.998, missing “Graduation with Distinction and Honor” by .02. (Note: My school does not have a single valedictorian, rather, everyone with a GPA of 4.0 or above graduates with the above mentioned honors). I was bitter for a long time.
26. Caedmon’s Call is my favorite band.
27. I am lactose intolerant…
28. Ice cream used to be my favorite food.
29. Fireflies bring me immense joy.
30. I am planning on moving to Williamsport, Pennsylvania in one year.
31. My ultimate dream is to live and work in the District of Columbia.
32. I have not dated in six years.
33. Jeffery Dommer gave me nightmares when I was in second grade (the cannibal).
34. I used to speak Spanish fluently.
35. I plan on learning Greek and Italian in the next year.
36. I have been a lead in three musicals.
37. In one of those, my character got married…
38. The groom (in real-life) was gay.
39. I was a nun in the next musical (not because of kissing the guy).
40. The Concert Choir director at my high school returned my sophomore year as a woman.
41. I did not sing in Concert Choir in high school.
42. I have written at least 5 papers on books I did not read.
43. I am the running mate for Zachary Ritter (R-PA) in 2028 for the White House.
44. If I decided to sing professionally, I would be in a group that was a mix between Avalon and Manhattan Transfer.
45. I play Counter-Strike.
46. I have attended several all-night “LAN Parties” (usually the only girl there).
47. One of my “stress-relievers” is
48. Another one is mowing lawns, though I am increasingly allergic to the grass.
49. I love to garden…to feel the cool earth between my fingers…to help things grow…
50. Frank Sinatra is amazing.
51. I love NASCAR and many other forms of racing.
52. I have been attending races (especially IHBA—boat—races) my entire life.
53. This does NOT make me a redneck.
54. I have my “Certificate of Proficiency” in Automotive Repair.
55. My father is an incredible painter.
56. He had an offer to paint for NASCAR at one time.
57. He paints cars, boats, go-karts, etc. He is amazing.
58. I inherited nearly none of his artistic ability.
59. My mom has been a travel agent for most of my life.
60. She has gone on several free vacations—what a job!
61. My immediate and extended family on my mom’s side is incredibly tight.
62. We have family reunions every year, and have had them for more than 40 years.
63. I love to surprise people and have done some detailed surprises in the past.
64. I love pranks.
65. Capture the Flag is a favorite pastime.
66. I am an aunt, though my only sibling has no children.
67. “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde is my favorite piece of literature.
68. While in D.C., I met a number of “important people”: Colin Powell, Newt Gingrich, John Ashcroft (twice), and others.
69. I saw the President four times and the First Lady twice.
70. In seventh grade, I almost smoked marijuana after being told I was too “goody-goody” and would never do something like that.
71. I realized how stupid it was, and never did it.
72. Funny thing, I earned more respect from those guys by changing my mind than I would have by smoking it.
73. The longest I have stayed awake is 29 hours.
74. I sang a solo in front of 8,000 people when I was 15 years old at a State Youth Conference.
75. That was the day I realized that I loved being in front of people, for the thrill and the energy I felt in those five minutes were absolutely indescribable.
76. I have nearly perfect pitch.
77. I collect forks.
78. Why do I collect forks? Because everyone collects spoons, so I decided to be different.
79. I used to be “obsessed” with Jim Carrey, a long time ago.
80. My dad grew up with former pro-baseball player Dan Gladden (Giants, Twins, Tigers).
81. Because of this connection, we met (and have autographs from) several famous players, such as Cecil Fielder and Mickey Tettleton.
82. I am trying to be a contestant on Wheel of Fortune, because I know I can win on TV as much as I win at home and online.
83. I have some obsessive/compulsive tendencies that appear every once in a while.
84. Example: my clothes in my closet are in order—from long-sleeved to short sleeved—and by color, from light to dark…if they are out of order, I fix it.
85. I had my first crush when I was 3 years old (on an 8 year old).
86. In junior high school I was on the track team, and ran primarily the 200 and the 400.
87. I was spelling bee champion in 5th grade.
88. In 4th grade I lost to my eternal rival, Casey Coffman.
89. Casey was my first “boyfriend.”
90. He said that in order to be really dating we had to kiss.
91. He told me to meet him in the sandbox at lunch that day.
92. I did, but with friends along. No kiss.
93. I broke up with him the next day.
94. I am a published poet.
95. I went to the California state finals for “History Day” in 8th grade, with my video presentation on the Beatles.
96. Though I am a “California girl,” I am not exactly tan; my legs are eternally white.
97. My idea of a romantic date (one of them, anyway): Barnes and Nobles, sipping coffee while relaxing in the comfy chairs, discussing poetry or other related subjects…just enjoying each other’s company with no pressure to entertain.
98. When I was young, I used to tell my best-friends parents that I was allergic to certain foods, that I might avoid eating them.
99. In-N-Out Burger is the best—not only because of the food…best place to work, best pay, best atmosphere, etc. out of this type of establishment.
100. If I could have any animals as pets, I would have an egret, a moose, a duck and a squirrel.