Monday, June 14, 2004

A letter from myself

I try to keep these posts to one a day, but I just checked my mailbox and I received a letter from myself, written at ASP, and I wanted to share some of it.

During our last worship service, on December 1st, the worship team (which I was a part of) decided to have everyone write letters to themselves about what we had learned, what we had experienced, etc. The letters would be mailed out a few months later, when we had forgotten about them. Sure enough, I had completely forgotten about this letter.

"Wow...what to say...I have learned SO much this semester, and I cannot condense it into one letter...nor can I express it in words adequately.

I've learned--

* that friends are more important than politics
* that political views do not make me who I am
* that who I am shapes my political views
* that asking can get you places
* that my family is wonderful
* that it is okay to have no idea what I'll be doing after graduation
* that God truly prepares my path, and He leads me everyday
* that even in the little things, God is in control
* that testing of your faith comes all the time, in numerous forms
* that you cannot judge a person's spirituality by the words they use
* that friends are made often with those you would least expect
* that everyone has gifts, talents, passions for a reason, and each should be respected.
* who my "real" friends are..."

Of course these are not the only things I learned while in the American Studies Program. Everyday I am reminded of the lessons we learned and experienced there...shalom...justice...Biblical worldview...etc. But these are the things that have a great impact on my daily life and on my personal encounters along this journey. I just wanted to share, as I now have a great deal upon which to reflect regarding my semester in Washington, D.C.