Monday, October 25, 2004

Another Monday...

There is an ongoing (and never-ending) discussion in the library (in which I work) about which day is better: Monday or Friday. Usually, I just laugh and observe because I prefer Wednesdays. But today my mentor was proved correct in saying that Mondays are the worst days.

It started out's "Global Vision Week" on campus, which is something I don't always look forward to...but I won't go there...Chapel was interesting--but it went ten minutes longer than it was supposed to.

You may be thinking "ten minutes isn't a big deal!" and normally you would be right. However, my class after chapel is in one of APU's satellite classrooms (meaning that is it not on either of our campuses, but rather in a shopping center across the street from our soccer complex). To get there, you have to catch the trolley and then you have to walk about a 5 minute walk.

Leslie and I were unable to get on the first two trolleys that came because they were full. So we waited...and waited...and by the time a trolley came, it was already 10 minutes into class. We had a MIDTERM today! We got to class TWENTY minutes late because of the trolleys. Unbelievable. It would have been faster for us to walk back to our apartment complex, get a car and drive over there...

Other things have happened today that just made me irritated...but at least the weather is beautiful! It is going to rain in the next couple of days, and the sky is gray. I love it.

Stuart and I have been getting ready for the "informal discussion" (otherwise known as a debate, as far as our "opponents" are concerned) that will take place tomorrow night with both Republican and Democratic representatives from within the Political Science department. I'm kinda nervous, because I'm not as educated on foreign policy as I am on domestic, but I have tonight and tomorrow to brush up. Stuart is definitely a foreign policy kind of guy, so he knows his stuff. We've got some great quotes and facts to throw at the Democrats when they try to use the same lines they always do. Basically, we've just got to use common sense--which isn't always the case with "the other side" (i.e., bilateral talks with North Korea...what are they thinking?!)

Anyway, enough for now. It's just another "manic Monday", and this too will pass. :)