Wednesday, January 04, 2006


As most of you know, I have a slight "obsession" (if you want to call it that) with the show "24"...

Thanks to Cameron, I am hooked on this show...(during Spring break last year, he introduced me to season one, because he wanted to try out his new DVD player)...between March and June of 2005 I watched the first three seasons, in order to be caught up by the time season 4 came out on DVD, and by the time season 5 started in January.

I was given 1-3 for graduation from my mentor and his family, and I just received a package today for my birthday from my mentor and his family: SEASON FOUR!! I am SO excited! Now I can be completely caught up by the 15th-16th, when season 5 premieres.

My roommate has been getting into it as well, so we are watching season 2 currently. I hope that she will watch season 5 this Spring with me--it's more fun with someone else watching it with you!

Off to watch 24...oh, by the way, interview on Thursday. I'm not entirely slacking off!