Thursday, June 07, 2007


Not too much happening--because I'm SOOO busy! This week I have spent every night at church, for various things...tomorrow night (Friday) is my first night off, LOL. Even Saturday is going to be spent taking the youth group on a's worth it, but it's exhausting... :)

Had another filling replaced today, so I'm done now :) Now they are all porcelain and you can't see them (and they won't chip--I had to have all four replaced because they had chipped--and they were only 6 years old).

I'm doing a presentation in front of some corporate executives next week, so I'm pretty excited about that! This is a HUGE visibility opportunity, so please pray that I'll be calm, collected, concise, and articulate. :) I also just wrapped up a four-month long project that was incredibly successful, and that is such a blessing! The Lord is truly blessing me as I continue to press forward.

Our house is wonderful...though we've had some interesting situations with our homeowners association, life has been incredibly good lately!

I can't believe that it's already life for the next couple of months will be even busier than before--if that's possible! :) I'm really excited though--many trips are coming up (Navajo mission trip; family reunion in Trinidad, California, etc.)...

...and I get to go to Pennsylvania in October! It's been almost TWO years since I have been to PA, and I miss it dearly. I can't wait to see my friend Jon get married--and to sing at his wedding! :)

That's all I've got for now...time to go to youth group!