Monday, March 15, 2004

Officially Stressed

Okay, so I know that I am not always the best student as far as working on things ahead of time fact, I like to consider myself a "planned procrastinator"...but I have realized in the past 24 hours just how much I have to do in the next 10 days...and I am stressed. I have thoroughly enjoyed slacking for the past week, because Michael was here and I wanted to enjoy every moment that I had with him...but...the next 10 days are going to be crazy busy...and I am stressed...but it's all good!

Chapel today was a surprise, a much needed surprise. It was an "All Music Chapel", which I was not expecting, but I needed it so was so amazing to be able to just sit in the arms of my Creator and spend time with distractions for thoughts were focused on Him...and I have been so filled with His love, joy and peace I am facing some new areas of life right now, I have been reassured that I am indeed walking with Him and that I am doing His was just amazing...I was driven to tears at one point because I realized just how much I miss being so close to my Creator. I am going to work much harder on that now, for that relationship is worth far more than riches, far more than anything else in life.

And I know that with my Lord by my side, I can survive these next 10 days...after these 10 days, school will be done, basically..."I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil. 4:13)...and I can do this now.

"Your grace has found me just as I am, empty-handed but alive in your hands..."

God is good...all the time...:)