Tuesday, March 16, 2004

One paper down...

After about 8 hours of work last night and 2 this morning on my theology paper, I finished it 15 minutes before class...whew...one down!

Now, in the next 9 days, I have to write a 6-8 page paper on feudalism, Christianity, Germanic Warrior Codes and how they intertwined, etc. (Medieval Europe)...a 5-6 page paper on "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis...prepare a 10 minute presentation on the Battle of Missionary Ridge (Civil War) with power point...read "Killer Angels" and write a 2 page (single spaced--who does that anymore?!) summary of the thesis and main points...write a paper for my current events class--the topic of which I just decided yesterday. I am going to compare "American Idol" to American politics today...it actually is a great topic--more will come as I get the time...basically, my premise is going to be that more people are interested in reality tv shows, such as American Idol, than they are in politics--and politics actually affect their lives...more people voted in last years American Idol finals than in the last California primary on March 2...unbelievable...

Don't know when I am going to sleep in the next 9 days! To make matters worse, I am going to the Reagan Ranch this weekend in Santa Barbara for some training...that kills my entire Saturday...but I know it will be a great experience.

Sigh...I just have to remind myself that school will be over (for the year) in 53 days, I believe...then I can relax, not have to do much except work, read for my independent study, travel a bit and have fun...really, my summer starts April 15th, because everything is due that day...sigh...

Anyway, just wanted to post a bit about why I am so busy...I have to go to work soon, where i hope to get some more homework finished...:)